Rev Jide Macaulay
Founder of House of Rainbow he/him

I left London to return to my native country of Nigeria in 2006 to start House of Rainbow but we soon had major problems caused by colonial laws that criminalise homosexuality. I intended House of Rainbow to be a regular church and fellowship. After numerous death threats, I had to leave Nigeria in 2008.
In London we started monthly groups in my front room in April 2010. By August 2010, my sitting room couldn’t fit enough people so we moved on to the garden and even more people came! I also began exploring my ministry with the Church of England where I shared my story and the work that had already been done. I don’t want to be a ‘gay minister’. I want to be a minister to ALL people but I have to be true to myself and honest about my sexuality. So I studied inclusive and Queer theology and was accepted in 2011 for a two-year theological training at Westcott House in Cambridge.
By late 2014-15, we got some funding for projects focusing on Reconciling Faith and sexuality for the queer communities in Southern Africa. Thousands of people were trained on what the Bible actually says in favour of same sex relationships. The Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality. It’s the different doctrines and religious leaders that perverted the teachings and invented a punishment for homosexuality. Most of the work include training religious, community leaders and families.

Now there is a global LGBTQ clergy community. Even if it’s difficult to walk away from the ‘gay pastor’ label, I want to be a role model to those other people who feel called to get into ministry.
I always use GAY as an acronym for God Adores You and God Accepts You and this was even published in the Huffington Post UK.
My Faith is very strong and I keep telling myself ‘if just one person can reconcile their sexuality with God, then my work is worth it’. Not everyone will agree with what I do but I really believe the Bible NEVER condemns homosexuality. It’s just what we’ve been conditioned to believe.